Teeth aligners vs Traditional Braces

Everything you need to know about teeth aligners vs braces

As the field of dentistry changes and advances, those who are looking to have orthodontic treatment may find traditional braces unappealing. In fact, many adults put off getting proper teeth alignment because they think these are just for kids. For these people, teeth aligners are the clear, definitive choice. 

Teeth alignment treatments don’t have to be treated simply as an adolescent rite of passage. With clear aligners made available, you’re never too old to benefit from a teeth alignment procedure. In fact, the American Association of Orthodontists reported that one in five orthodontic patients is an adult.

To help you make a more informed decision on what to choose between aligners vs. braces, here are some things you need to know.

What are teeth aligners?

Teeth aligners, like those of ALINA, utilize custom-made transparent trays that straighten the teeth in small increments. Unlike traditional braces, ALINA Aligners don’t make use of metal brackets and wires. Aligners look like mouth guards but serve the purpose of traditional braces.

Aligner treatment typically takes between 12 and 18 months, depending  on the condition of your teeth. 

Unlike traditional braces, you can remove your ALINA aligners and put them back in whenever you like. Just make sure you wear them for at least 22 hours a day to get the best outcome possible. When you’re not wearing them, store your ALINA aligners in the provided case to keep them clean and prevent them from being misplaced. 


The pros of getting aligners

Teeth aligners are dental devices, designed to treat or correct crooked and misaligned teeth. Here are some signs telling you that you might need aligners or braces: 

  • Not as noticeable – ALINA aligners are more subtle to wear because they’re made of transparent plastic material. When you’re out and about, your colleagues or friends won’t even notice you’re wearing them, especially from afar. 

  • More comfortable – Many patients who have had orthodontic treatments such as braces during their younger years have reported that ALINA Aligner trays are more comfortable to wear. While you might still encounter some discomfort, this only occurs in the first few days. In the absence of metal brackets and wires, there’s also a reduced probability of developing canker sores or tiny lesions in your mouth. 

  • Easy to wash – ALINA aligners are much easier to wash than traditional braces. All you have to do is clean and brush your aligners before and after wearing them to keep them in great condition.

  • Makes brushing and flossing easy – You don’t need any special dental equipment to brush and floss your teeth. Simply remove your clear aligners at any time to practice good oral hygiene.

  • Almost no food restrictions With ALINA Aligner, you can eat your favorite foods, including hard, chewy, or sticky ones. Just take your aligners out first before eating to avoid damaging them. However, try not to drink hot drinks while wearing your teeth aligners, as the heat may damage them. Finally, note that liquids seep into aligners easily, and may cause tooth decay or staining if the drinks are highly acidic or sugary.

  • Fewer visits to the dentist – With ALINA, you’ll receive your fresh set of aligners in the comfort of your home. Expert smile designers will be in touch with you, monitor the progress of your treatment, and give you a fresh set of trays every month until your desired smile is achieved. No more manual tightening necessary!


What are traditional braces?

Traditional braces have been the standard orthodontic treatment for quite some time. They are composed of ceramic or metal wires which are attached to every tooth with the use of brackets. 

There are several kinds of traditional braces in the market. Some of these are Damon braces, which don’t require O-rings, the small plastic elastic bands; lingual braces where wires and brackets sit on the inner part of the teeth; and the ceramic ones that use thin wires to connect the brackets.

The Hassles of traditional braces

Traditional braces are known for their reliability. As a result, they’ve been around for many years now. Unfortunately, they come with a number of drawbacks as well.

  • Metal causes mouth sores and wounds – Wearers of metal braces often complain of even the slightest contact causing wounds in the interior of the mouth. These are distracting and prevent wearers from eating, drinking, and even talking comfortably. 
  • Results can be inconsistent – Because braces need to be adjusted manually, the quality of the results tend to vary. The guesswork that comes from manual tightening and unexpected behavior of the teeth may wind up causing more difficulties in the end.
  • Cleaning is a huge headache – Braces create even more nooks and crannies in the mouth, allowing food to collect in between wires and underneath brackets. While these can be cleaned, users typically have to resort to specialized tools to get at the harder to reach areas.
  • Creates a smile ruined by wires or metal – This might be the biggest drawback to having traditional braces installed. All those metal brackets and wires are definitely a distraction from the wearer’s most beautiful smile!

The key takeaway

With ALINA Aligners, you can have your teeth straightened while looking great too. In just a short period, you’ll have your desired smile that creates a better bite and decreases the risk of future dental issues. Our trained and skilled dental experts will make sure you receive the highest quality dental care you require.

Should you still have any concerns about aligner vs braces, write us an email at ALINA so our team will be able to assist you in making an informed decision!

The ALINA Promise

We guarantee the quality work and support in your journey to your perfect smile. If at any time during your treatment that you’ll need adjustments, we’ll be there to help you get back on track.




Picture of Mellodine Manalo

Mellodine Manalo

The ALINA Promise

ALINA guarantees a smile unique to you—so you can finally uncover your smile.